-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: VAST-conference 2004 - Call for Papers (3)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:50:21 +0100
From: Paul S. Ell paul.ell@QUB.AC.UK
Reply-To: H-Net Network for The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative H-ECAI@H-NET.MSU.EDU
From: Kim Carl [mailto:kcarl@berkeley.edu]
Sent: 29 July 2004 11:48 PM
To: h-ecai@h-net.msu.edu
Subject: VAST-conference 2004 - Call for Papers (3)
VAST 2004
The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage.
* Incorporating: Second Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural
Heritage (http://www.eg.orgwww.eg.org)
This year's VAST Symposium will be dedicated to the theme:
Interdisciplinarity or "The Best of Both Worlds":
The Grand Challenge for Cultural Heritage Informatics in the 21st Century
Following the discussions of previous VAST Symposia and the first
Eurographics Symposium on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, the 2004 VAST
Symposium will focus on the interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary
research interests including those of monuments, sites and museums as
manifest in the EPOCH Network, covering every phase of the cultural
heritage informatics, from initial data capture to information processing,
and the dissemination of results to the scientific community and the
general public. In addition, the wider legal and ethical responsibilities
of Cultural Informatics (set out in the draft ICOMOS-Ename Charter) will be
Researchers in this field who are interested in participating in this
Symposium are invited to submit papers on original work addressing on the
following subjects or related themes:
* Data Capture and Processing
* Data Management
* Standards and Documentation
* Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques
* Digital Reconstructions and Visualisation
* Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design
* Interactive Environments and applications
* The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism
* Story-telling and design of heritage communications
* Novel internet applications in heritage
* Usability, effectiveness and interface design for heritage
* Cultural Informatics Education and Training
* Professional and Ethical Guidelines
Two types of presentations will be included in the symposium -
presentations of full research papers, which will be refereed and included
in a high-quality proceedings volume to be published by Eurographics, and
presentations of work-in-progress which may be presented in shorter
sessions and will be separately identified when published. Both types of
submission will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
In addition we expect to have space available for live showcases. If you
have a system which you wish to be included in the showcase area, please
email mailto:vast2004@enamecenter.orgvast2004@enamecenter.org.
International Program Committee
will be available on the the
Website within the coming days.
Yiorgos Chrysanthou, University of Cyprus
Kevin Cain, Insight Ltd.
Neil Silberman, Ename Center
Franco Niccolucci, PIN, Italy
The Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation, and the
Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE) are hosting this conference. Conference
chair is Daniel Pletinckx, Ename Center. Please address all enquiries to
Eva Roels (mailto:vast2004@enamecenter.orgvast2004@enamecenter.org, +32
55 23 24 47).
Important dates
Full Papers due - September 12th 2004
Notification of Refereeing results - October 1st 2004
Revised papers due - October 22nd 2004
Work in Progress/short papers due - September 24th 2004
Notification of acceptance of Work in progress/short papers - October 15th
Final Version short papers due - October 29th 2004
Proposals for showcases - September 12th 2004
Early bird date for registrations - November 5th 2004
Event - December 7th-10th 2004
Submissions of full and work in progress papers:
The Electronic Submission Procedure is available through following links:
Authors are strongly recommended to use these style guides when preparing
their submissions in order to avoid difficulties for accepted papers during
the production cycle. Only if you are not able to use this procedure you
can sent your paper in a word-file to the VAST2004 secretariat.
Length of papers:
Full papers: max. 10 pages.
Work in progress/short papers: max. 2 pages
Very soon you will find details on the
Website concerning the scientific program. It will also contain general
information about registration, continuously updated with more details.
http://www.epoch-net.orgEPOCH Network
http://www.eg.orgEurographics (In co-operation status with ACM SIGGRAPH
is being sought and was enjoyed by VAST2003)
If you have additional questions, please contact the organizing committee
at mailto:vast2004@enamecenter.orgvast2004@enamecenter.org
Eva Roels
VAST2004 Secretariat