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[Gisideas] Messages for Vietnamese members onlt

Tue, Dec 3, 2002 3:16 PM

This message is only for Vietnamese colleagues!

Kinh gui cac dong nghiep,

Dai hoc Tong hop Chulalongkorn - Thailand co nhu cau can 2 sinh vien
thac sy thao ve Computer Science and GIS.  cac sinh vien thac sy nay se
lam Master course using GRASS GIS and Mapserver and develop some
Scholarship for students will be provided.  Students must be willing to
work with Linux environment and be able to do some programming in C
language and PHP.

Neu co ai co nhu cau thi phia Chulalongkorn University cua Thailand co
the se phong van vao khoang thoi gian tu 24-27 thang 12 nam 2002.

Ai co mong muon theo khoa Master nay thi xin bao cho chung toi biet.

Kinh thu,

Hoang Minh Hien
JVGC Coordinator for Vietnam.

This message is only for Vietnamese colleagues! Kinh gui cac dong nghiep, Dai hoc Tong hop Chulalongkorn - Thailand co nhu cau can 2 sinh vien thac sy thao ve Computer Science and GIS. cac sinh vien thac sy nay se lam Master course using GRASS GIS and Mapserver and develop some applications. Scholarship for students will be provided. Students must be willing to work with Linux environment and be able to do some programming in C language and PHP. Neu co ai co nhu cau thi phia Chulalongkorn University cua Thailand co the se phong van vao khoang thoi gian tu 24-27 thang 12 nam 2002. Ai co mong muon theo khoa Master nay thi xin bao cho chung toi biet. Kinh thu, Hoang Minh Hien JVGC Coordinator for Vietnam. ./.