Subject: International Transdisciplinary Conference on Development and Conservation of Karst Regions - TransKarst2004, Hanoi, Vietnam
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 15:15:56 +0700
From: "tran tan van"
Trans-KARST 2004
International Transdisciplinary Conference On Development
and Conservation of Karst Regions
Hanoi, Vietnam
13 18 September 2004
Under the auspices of UNESCO
(IGCP Project 448 and IHP)
Under the patronage of the UIS
(Union Internationale de Spéléologie)
With the support of:
Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), Belgium
Katholic University Leuven (KUL), Belgium
Free University Brussels (VUB), Belgium
Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB), Belgium
Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Vietnam
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources
(RIGMR) (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment),
Institute of Ethnology (IE), (National Center for Social
Sciences and Humanities), Vietnam
Forest Protection Department (FPD), (Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development), Vietnam
The policies and practice of sustainable development often
meet considerable difficulty in implementation due to the
many interests at stake. Political, social, cultural,
environmental and economic considerations must all be met.
This is particularly the case in karst areas where
communities are often poor. Despite their magnificent
scenery and cultural and natural diversity their development
is defined primarly in economic terms, generally to the
detriment of the karst environment.
The findings of two transdisciplinary research projects in
karst areas in Vietnam confirm that sustainable development
is not simply a question of controlling natural conditions
and designing technical interventions. The cultural context,
social organization and learning processes of the
socio-cultural systems and communities must be understood
and taken into account. The tensions between socio-economic
development and conservation require integrated natural and
social science approaches.
Aims of the conference:
Natural and social scientists all over the world interested
in the development and conservation of karst regions are
invited to Hanoi to present and discuss the findings of
their projects through papers and posters.
Trans-KARST 2004 will:
Offer a forum to discuss basic and applied research
findings and research methodologies which can contribute to
the management and development of karst areas;
Help strengthen interest in the preservation of
geodiversity, biodiversity and cultural diversity through
promotion of sustainable relationships between them;
Stimulate communication between researchers, practitioners
and policy makers working in karst landscapes;
Explore ways to integrate natural and social sciences
approaches in the management of karst systems.
Themes and topics:
Conference sessions will be organized around 4 major themes.
Each theme will refer to a set of issues of particular
relevance to or concern for the development and conservation
of karst regions.
I. Policy and management of land and water resources
Topics: Balancing public and private responsibilities;
reconciling economic development and nature conservation in
land-use planning; the technical and social requirements for
water supply, soil conservation and flood protection.
II. Development of infrastructure and assessment of
environmental risks and hazards
Topics: Karst dissolution and collapse; the effects of
climate change; flooding, flood controls and dam
construction; environmental mitigation of infrastructure
development; managing pollution of water resources in karst
systems; monitoring karst water resources; karst structure,
groundwater modeling and hydrological cycles; water tracing
and vulnerability mapping; cave exploration and structural
III. Conservation of eco-systems
Topics: Managing tourism in sensitive areas; developing and
protecting show caves; cave exploration; conserving karst
specific biodiversity; bio-diversity quantification and
monitoring; sustainable forest management; impacts of
land-use changes on cultural heritage and landscape;
environmental impact and mitigation assessment.
IV. Integration of natural and social science approaches
Topics: Transdisciplinary research collaborations;
multi-stakeholder collaboration in policy and practice;
education and social learning; participatory research
methodologies; social and geoscientific applications of GIS
and remote sensing.
Conference sessions will be organized to stimulate a
transdisciplinary reflection and discussion. The conference
language will be English.
There will be a pre-conference workshop on new developments
in karst research methodologies. There will also be a
training workshop on karst ecosystem management and a
post-conference fieldtrip to famous karst areas of Cuc
Phuong National Park and Ha Long Bay World Heritage Site. A
program for accompanying persons will also be organized.
Hanoi National University is located in the historical
center of Vietnams capital city, within walking distance of
hotels, restaurants and museums.
Organizing committee:
Dr. Nguyen Xuan Khien, RIGMR
Dr. Pham Cong Hoan, IE
Dr. Do Tuyet, RIGMR
Dr. Tran Tan Van, RIGMR
Prof. Dr. Jan Masschelein, KUL
Prof. Dr. Danny Wildemeersch, KUL
Fadi Nader, UIS
Dr. Michiel Dusar, GSB
Drs. Okke Batelaan, VUB
Drs. Olivier Tessier, IE
Dr. Mark Infield, FFI
International scientific committee:
Prof. Dr. Phan Cu Tien, RIGMR
Prof. Dr. Duong Duc Kiem, RIGMR
Prof. Dr. Khong Dien, IE
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang My, Vietnams Karst/Cave
Association, Hanoi National University
Prof. Dr. Camille Ek, Liege Univ., Belgium
Prof. Dr. Chris Groves, Kentucky Univ., USA
Prof. Dr. Alain Dassargues, Liege Univ.,
Prof. Dr. Cees Leeuwis, Wageningen Univ., Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Rudy Swennen, KUL
Prof. Dr. Hilaire De Smedt, VUB
Prof. Dr. Song, Linhua, Beijing Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. Pavel Bosak, Prague Academy of Sciences, Czech
Prof. Dr. Elery Hamilton-Smith, Chair IUCN/ WCPA Task
Force on Cave/Karst Protection
Prof. Dr. F. Zwahlen, Neuchâtel Univ, Switzerland
Calendar with deadlines:
1st circular March 2003
2nd circular Sept. 2003
Submission of abstracts for papers and posters Dec. 2003
Notification of acceptance Feb. 2004
Submission of full papers and booking of excursions June
Abstracts for Papers/Posters
Abstracts for a paper/poster must include authors names,
postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, title of
the abstract and a summary of the proposed paper/poster
(maximum 250 words).
Papers will be published in proceedings. Excellent papers
will be published in a referenced journal.
The registration fee for the conference will be 200 US$. A
reduced fee of 50% will apply for students and local
participants. The fee will cover the proceedings, all
conference sessions, daily lunches and tea and coffee
All correspondence to conference secretariat:
Dr. Tran Tan Van, RIGMR
Tel: 84-4-854-3107 / Fax: 84-4-854-2125
Tran Tan Van, D.Eng.
Geologist-Geotechnical Engineer
Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (RIGMR)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)
Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-854-3107
Fax: 84-4-854-2125
Mob: 0913-37-19-27