Subject: Multidisciplinary Ph.D. Fellowships in Global Change Research / Earth System Modelling available
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 10:56:52 +0200
From: Almut Arneth
To: "Climate Change Info Mailing List"
Please forward the following opportunity to potentially
interested students.
The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System
Modelling supported by the Max Planck Society and by the
ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius offers several
fellowships for interdisciplinary Ph.D. studies in the
comprehensive field of Earth System Modelling. Key questions
of Global Change will be investigated by means of numerical
modelling at the global and/or regional scale.
The Ph.D. programme is open to candidates with a university
education in geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and
oceanography), economics, physics, chemistry, biology,
mathematics, computer science or political science. Students
who apply to the school must have the academic
qualifications comparable to a German Diplom degree (e.g., a
Master's degree including a written thesis), as required by
the enrolling universities, either the University of Hamburg
or University of Kassel. Since the programme focuses
strongly on numerical simulations, candidates with computer
literacy (e.g., Unix environment, Fortran programming or
other programming languages) will be given priority.
The application file must contain all documents specified
below (in English). Candidates who are close to completion
of their Master's degree at the time of application (and
thus cannot include all of the required documents) are
invited to contact the IMPRS coordinator. An important
selection criterion will be the statement of the research
interests and future career goals of the applicant; this
statement should describe concisely the area within the
Earth System Sciences the applicant wishes to focus on in
her/his Ph.D. research, particularly with respect to
modelling, as well as her/his longer-term professional
ambitions upon completion of the Ph.D. degree.
A short-list of top candidates will be interviewed by the
Executive Committee of the school in late-November 2003.
Successful applicants will begin their Ph.D. research in
early 2004 at one of the participating institutions:
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg University of
Hamburg GKSS Institute for Coastal Research, Geestacht
Hamburg Institute of International Economics Centre for
Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research
To cover living costs the IMPRS offers monthly fellowships
of approximately 950 Euro (net), for up to three years. The
students' progress will be reviewed annually. The
participating institutions seek to increase the number of
female scientists and encourage them to apply. Handicapped
persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential
Application documents required Detailed curriculum vitae
List of courses attended and credits received Copies of
degree (German diploma or equivalent, e.g. Master with
written thesis) Copy of thesis, including English
translation of abstract and conclusion Description of
research interests and career goals (1 page) Two letters of
Submit your complete application by September 12, 2003 to:
Coordinator Earth System School Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology Bundesstr. 55D-20146 Hamburg, Germany or to
(please send files as .pdf
A. Arneth
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Bundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg, Germany
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