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[Gisideas] Smithsonian Conservation GIS Internship

Vern Weitzel
Fri, Mar 19, 2004 12:36 AM

Subject: [gislist] Smithsonian Conservation GIS Internship
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:07:19 -0500
From: GISCourse GISCourse GISCourse@crc.si.edu

The Spatial Analysis Lab at the Smithsonian Conservation & Research Center
(CRC) is seeking interns, to start immediately.  The Lab focuses on
developing remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
applications to conservation problems
Projects include:

  1. Assessing land cover change through remote sensing for the ranges of
    endangered species, with special focus on protected areas within these

  2. Using GIS to map habitat for endangered species at different spatial
    scales. Currently we are working on Asian elephants, giant pandas, clouded
    leopards, maned wolves, Mongolian gazelles, and others.

  3. Training of wildlife management professionals in application of GPS,
    GIS and remote sensing to every-day management.

Interns will assist in the GIS/remote sensing aspects of these projects,
enter data, help with training courses, and assist with everyday lab
management.  We seek interns with a good knowledge of computers, Windows
operating systems, standard office software, and basic knowledge of GIS
(preferably ArcView or ARC/INFO).  Additional experience with remote
sensing, ERDAS Imagine (or other image processing software), Adobe
Photoshop, or GPS are a plus.  The internship covers a stipend and housing.
Send letter of interest and resume ASAP to Melissa Songer at
songerm@crc.si.edu. Include dates of availability in your letter.

The Conservation and Research Center is located at the north entrance of
the Shenandoah National Park about 60 miles west of Washington, D.C., in
Front Royal, VA.

CRC's mission is to advance conservation of biological diversity. In
meeting the Smithsonian Institution's mandate, CRC increases knowledge
through investigations of threatened species, habitats, and communities, and
disseminates knowledge through advanced studies, professional training, and
public outreach.

David Zaks
1500 Remount Road
Front Royal, VA 22630
540-635-6535 (GIS Lab)
540-635-6506 (FAX)
"Conserving the world's wildlife through onsite and remote sensing

gislist mailing list

Subject: [gislist] Smithsonian Conservation GIS Internship Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:07:19 -0500 From: GISCourse GISCourse <GISCourse@crc.si.edu> The Spatial Analysis Lab at the Smithsonian Conservation & Research Center (CRC) is seeking interns, to start immediately. The Lab focuses on developing remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications to conservation problems (http://nationalzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/ConservationGIS). Projects include: 1. Assessing land cover change through remote sensing for the ranges of endangered species, with special focus on protected areas within these ranges. 2. Using GIS to map habitat for endangered species at different spatial scales. Currently we are working on Asian elephants, giant pandas, clouded leopards, maned wolves, Mongolian gazelles, and others. 3. Training of wildlife management professionals in application of GPS, GIS and remote sensing to every-day management. Interns will assist in the GIS/remote sensing aspects of these projects, enter data, help with training courses, and assist with everyday lab management. We seek interns with a good knowledge of computers, Windows operating systems, standard office software, and basic knowledge of GIS (preferably ArcView or ARC/INFO). Additional experience with remote sensing, ERDAS Imagine (or other image processing software), Adobe Photoshop, or GPS are a plus. The internship covers a stipend and housing. Send letter of interest and resume ASAP to Melissa Songer at songerm@crc.si.edu. Include dates of availability in your letter. The Conservation and Research Center is located at the north entrance of the Shenandoah National Park about 60 miles west of Washington, D.C., in Front Royal, VA. CRC's mission is to advance conservation of biological diversity. In meeting the Smithsonian Institution's mandate, CRC increases knowledge through investigations of threatened species, habitats, and communities, and disseminates knowledge through advanced studies, professional training, and public outreach. ***************************** David Zaks giscourse@si.edu 1500 Remount Road Front Royal, VA 22630 540-635-6535 (GIS Lab) 540-635-6506 (FAX) http://www.nationalzoo.si.edu/ConservationAndScience/ConservationGIS/GIS_training "Conserving the world's wildlife through onsite and remote sensing technology" ***************************** _______________________________________________ gislist mailing list gislist@lists.geocomm.com http://lists.geocomm.com/mailman/listinfo/gislist