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[Gisideas] GIS=IDEAS Final Circular

Venkatesh Raghavan
Mon, Aug 19, 2002 12:47 PM

Dear All,

The Final Circular for the GIS-IDEAS is now available
at the Symposium's Web-site hosted at


The Final Circular in PDF format can be downloaded from the
above mentioned URL by selecting the "Circulars" link in the
menu and clicking the appropriate "Download" link.

You can also directlty download the file from





Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
GIS-IDEAS & JVGC Co-Coordinator

Dear All, The Final Circular for the GIS-IDEAS is now available at the Symposium's Web-site hosted at http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/gisideas/ The Final Circular in PDF format can be downloaded from the above mentioned URL by selecting the "Circulars" link in the menu and clicking the appropriate "Download" link. You can also directlty download the file from http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/gisideas/circular.html Regards Raghavan -- --------------------------------------------------- Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan GIS-IDEAS & JVGC Co-Coordinator