Dear Participants of GIS-IDEAS 2002
We are running a little late with the the final program
for GIS-IDEAS 2002. It will be available by 9th of Sept, 2002
Session Chairpersons will also be listed in the final program.
Each presenter is requested to contact the session chairperson
before the beginning of the session,indicating the name of the
person who will present.
Oral presentations
20 minutes will be available for each oral presentation, including the
5 minutes for discussion. OHP projector and Video projection equipment
will be available at the meeting hall. MS-Windows equipped with
Windows/PowerPoint 2000 and a PDF reader and a CD-ROM reader will also
be available at the meeting hall. If you have any further questions
about the arrangement, post a e-mail to the list.
A 100x200 cm (WxH) space will be available at the conference for each
poster. Posters should be on display by the first conference day
(September, the 25th). Authors of the poster presentation will
be introduced to the GIS-IDEAS participants during a short session
(twenty minutes) that is scheduled just before the core-time of the
poster presentations begin.
Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
Dear All,
The latest program for the GIS-IDEAS 2002 is
available on the GIS-IDEAS website and can also
be directly accessed at
PDF file of the program can also be dowloaded from the
above URL. Would like to mention that this is almost
the final program of GIS-IDEAS, however few small last
minute changes are still possible.
We have also receiving felicitatory messages for the GIS-IDEAS
Symposium from several well wishers. The messages recieved
from the
a) Honorable Chairman, Committee of Science, Technology and Environment
National Assembly, S.R. Vietnam.
b) Honorable Vice-Minister of Education and Training
S.R. Vietnam.
can be viewed at the
We are very grateful to receive these messages of encouragements.
Kind regards
Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
Co-Coordinator GIS-IDEAS
Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
Dear Participants of GIS-IDEAS 2002
We are running a little late with the the final program
for GIS-IDEAS 2002. It will be available by 9th of Sept, 2002
Session Chairpersons will also be listed in the final program.
Each presenter is requested to contact the session chairperson
before the beginning of the session,indicating the name of the
person who will present.
Oral presentations
20 minutes will be available for each oral presentation, including the
5 minutes for discussion. OHP projector and Video projection equipment
will be available at the meeting hall. MS-Windows equipped with
Windows/PowerPoint 2000 and a PDF reader and a CD-ROM reader will also
be available at the meeting hall. If you have any further questions
about the arrangement, post a e-mail to the list.
A 100x200 cm (WxH) space will be available at the conference for each
poster. Posters should be on display by the first conference day
(September, the 25th). Authors of the poster presentation will
be introduced to the GIS-IDEAS participants during a short session
(twenty minutes) that is scheduled just before the core-time of the
poster presentations begin.
Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
Dear Dr. Raghavan
Due to lot of work, I have postponed my Journey for Hanoi from 24th to 25th
September by Thai Airways. It starts at 8 am from Bangkok and reaches by 9:15
am to HANOI.
Please inform local organiser to send a vehicle to receive me from Airport for
the hotel. If there is any problem do not worry. I will reach myself.
Bye and wish you a fantastic opening ceremony. See you tomorrow.
Quoting Venkatesh Raghavan
Dear All,
The latest program for the GIS-IDEAS 2002 is
available on the GIS-IDEAS website and can also
be directly accessed at
PDF file of the program can also be dowloaded from the
above URL. Would like to mention that this is almost
the final program of GIS-IDEAS, however few small last
minute changes are still possible.
We have also receiving felicitatory messages for the GIS-IDEAS
Symposium from several well wishers. The messages recieved
from the
a) Honorable Chairman, Committee of Science, Technology and Environment
National Assembly, S.R. Vietnam.
b) Honorable Vice-Minister of Education and Training
S.R. Vietnam.
can be viewed at the
We are very grateful to receive these messages of encouragements.
Kind regards
Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
Co-Coordinator GIS-IDEAS
Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
Dear Participants of GIS-IDEAS 2002
We are running a little late with the the final program
for GIS-IDEAS 2002. It will be available by 9th of Sept, 2002
Session Chairpersons will also be listed in the final program.
Each presenter is requested to contact the session chairperson
before the beginning of the session,indicating the name of the
person who will present.
Oral presentations
20 minutes will be available for each oral presentation, including the
5 minutes for discussion. OHP projector and Video projection equipment
will be available at the meeting hall. MS-Windows equipped with
Windows/PowerPoint 2000 and a PDF reader and a CD-ROM reader will also
be available at the meeting hall. If you have any further questions
about the arrangement, post a e-mail to the list.
A 100x200 cm (WxH) space will be available at the conference for each
poster. Posters should be on display by the first conference day
(September, the 25th). Authors of the poster presentation will
be introduced to the GIS-IDEAS participants during a short session
(twenty minutes) that is scheduled just before the core-time of the
poster presentations begin.
Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
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