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[Gisideas] Camera-ready submission instruction

Truong Chi Quang
Fri, Oct 5, 2018 2:19 AM

Dear authors, Dear Ms Phan Thi Anh Thu,

I have sent questions/issues about submission to the administrator of the
website at OCU.
The issues of submission are fixed now.
Please kindly resubmit your paper again if your full paper is not appear in
the website
1. Submission

Best regards,

Truong Chi Quang

Dear authors, Dear Ms Phan Thi Anh Thu, I have sent questions/issues about submission to the administrator of the website at OCU. The issues of submission are fixed now. Please kindly resubmit your paper again if your full paper is not appear in the website *1. Submission* - Open the submission page: http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/gisideas18/submit.php - Login with your ID, password - Click on the title of your paper - Click the Document Submission tab at the top of the page - Click Browse to select the PDF file that you want to submit ( please check on PDF radio button) - Click Preview and Continue - Click Submit *2. Checking the submitted paper:* The website will not send messages to you but you will see the full text is linked to your paper in the list ( http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/gisideas18/papers.php?first_letter=all) Best regards, Truong Chi Quang